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Norwegian realist landscape painter in a classical 19th century tradition.
PM used in the production of nuclear fuel element. / Borring, J. 1996. Abstract from Joint Nordic Conference in Powder Technology, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Übersetzung für boring im EnglischDeutschWörterbuch
Synonyms for borning at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.
Boring definition, causing or marked by boredom: a boring discussion; to have a boring time. See more.
Danish jazz guitarist and composer based in London.
As an adjective boring describes something (or someone) that is tedious, dull, and lacking in interest. As a noun, boring refers to the act of drilling a hole, or the ...
Jonas Borring refuses to play for Randers FC after discovering teammate Christian Keller is dating his wife.